The big seal script of character Rising Sun is
The small seal script of character Rising Sun is
The clerical script of character Rising Sun is
The left is character Nine, the right is character Run.The pinyin of the character is Xu4.
The big seal script of character Rising Sun is
The small seal script of character Rising Sun is
The bronze script of character Rail is
The left is character Vehicle (Post 5), the right is character Nine (Post 443). The character Nine means low position, close to ground or on the ground. The character Rail means that the rolling mark on the ground after the vehicle passed.The big seal script of character Wooden Club is
The left is character Hand (Post 55), the right is character Hand Down (Post 410). Originally it means that women beat wet cloth repeatedly with wooden club , which is traditional way of washing clothes.The big seal script of character Sleep is
The left is character Eye (Post 17), the right is character Hand Down (Post 410). One's upper eyelids are dropped, he is sleeping or wants to sleep.The bronze script of character Borderland is
The left is cliff, the right is character Hang Down (Post 410). The remote Borderland is area where few people, but many cliff, and hong down trees. The character implies "Remote area".The shell bone script of character Grazing is
The left is character Ox (Post 120), the right is character Father (Post 166), which means that a person holds a stick to drive the herd, here is herd.The big seal script of character Inexpensive is
The top and left part 厂 or 广 alike means the side of hall or side of house like closet or storage, the bottom is character Extra Work, meaning a very capable worker who lives in place where is not a bedroom, which indicates that he is inexpensive or cheap for his work.The big seal script of character Rising Sun is The left is character Nine (Post 443), the right is character Sun (Post 4). Character Nine m...