Sunday, July 28, 2024

Amazing Chinese Characters (715)Peng - 彭

 The shell bone script of character Peng is 

The left is character Drum - 壴 (Post 551), the right is character Twill - 彡 (Post 714), here it means the hands playing the drum.

The character is pronounced as the sound of the hands striking the drum. 

The bronze script of character Peng is

Similar to shell bone script.

The big seal script of character Peng is

Similar to big seal script.

The small seal script of character Peng is

Similar to older scripts.

The clerical script of character Peng is

 Similar to old scripts, except the drum face changed from O to 口.

The Pinyin of the character is Peng2. 

The character has been used as a popular family name. To avoid confusion, a new character 嘭, 口(mouth) + 彭 (Peng) to express the sound of hands striking the drum.

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