Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Amazing Chinese Characters (505) Go - 棋

 The shell bone script of Chinese Go is 

The bottom is character Its or That - 其 (Post 504), original means basket. The top is character Wood (Post 10). The Go basket holds a Go piece inside.

The big seal script of the character Go is
Similar to its shell bone script. 

The small seal script of character Go is 
The top is the basket, the bottom is character Wood (the Go piece), which is very odd. The reason why it is like this may be that this way is better to fit the small seal script, pull the two dots longer to cover the Wood, otherwise, the wood on top would make the character too long vertically. 

The clerical script of character Go is
Right now, the Wood is on the left, the Basket is on the right, better for clerical script which is flat, long horizontally, and short vertically.

The Pinyin of character 棋 is Qi2.

Amazing Chinese Characters (504) Its or That - 其

 The shell bone script of character Its or That is

which is a basket, most likely made from bamboo.

The bronze script of the character is

The top is same as shell bone script, the one line is a board on the bottom basket, the two dots are two hands carrying the basket.

The big seal script of the character is

Similar to bronze script.

The small seal script of the character is

Similar to bronze and big seal scripts, but there are two X in the basket.

The clerical script of the character is

The top has no X inside, but two horizontal lines, the bottom has a long horizontal line, not good pictographic anymore, but still some similar to old scripts.

The Pinyin of the character is Qi2.

其 doesn't mean basket anymore, but Its, or That, or his, or her, or such, etc. It is used most in proverbs, or words with two characters.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Amazing Chinese Characters (503) Test - 考

The bronze script of character Test is

The top is same as that in character Old (Post 288), meaning an old man. The bottom is the inside reed of ancient bamboo instrument 竽(Post 497), which was the most complex music instrument in 3000+ years ago. An old man who holds a reed is the examiner who tests the blow skills of the instrument of the applicants. Because the instrument is complex, people need long time practice to become a high level player, as an examiner, who should be an senior official, so he could not be young.

The big seal script of the character is
Similar to bronze script.

The small seal script of the character is

Similar to the older scripts.

The clerical script of the character is
The top 土 is the hair, the falling left stroke is from horizontal and turning down stroke of older scripts, I don't know why it is changed like that. The bottom is the reed.

The pinyin of the character 考 is Kao3.

Monday, May 23, 2022

Amazing Chinese Characters (502) Filial - 孝

 The bronze script of character Filial is

the top is an old man (see Post 288), the bottom is character Child (Post 21), here is the young generation who cares their old parents.

The big seal script of character Filial is
Similar to bronze script.

The small seal script of the character is
the top is Old man, the bottom is Child.

The clerical script of the character is

The top is simplified Old man, the bottom is Child.

The pinyin of the character is Xiao4.

孝 - Filial is the most important in family relationship, younger generation has to respect their parents including daily care duty when parents are old, obeying the parents in making big decisions, and supporting parents financially. People who are irrespective to parents could get very bad reputation in the community, may lose their jobs, and social position in the society.

Friday, May 6, 2022

Amazing Chinese Characters (501) Tail - 尾

 The shell bone script of character Tail is

The top is character Person, the bottom is a tail with hair.

The small seal script of character Tail is

The top is character Body, the bottom is a hail with hair.

The clerical script of character Tail is
The top is Body, the bottom is character Hair.

The Pinyin of the character Tail is Wei3.

Amazing Chinese Characters (500) Pee - 尿

 The shell bone script of character Pee is

A person (male) is peeing.

The big seal script of character Pee is
The top is character Body (Post 423), the bottom is character Water (Post 13). Pee is water from body. 

The small seal script of character Pee is

The top is character Tail - 尾(Post 501), the bottom is character Water. Tail is part of tail bone plus hair, is part of Body. Tail indicates the outlet of pee.

The clerical script of character is 
Body plus Water.

The Pinyin of character Pee - 尿 is Niao4.

Amazing Chinese Characters (499) Shit - 屎

 The bronze script of character Shit is

The left is character Person/People (Post 37), the right is character Rice (Post 163). A person is pooping. The poo is from digested rice.

The big seal script of character Shit is

The top is character Body (Post 423), the bottom inside is character Rice. We can see that the character Body is just a bent more character Person.

The small seal script of the character is missing, very rare situation. The reason is unknown.

The clerical script of the character is

The top is character Body, the low part is character Rice.

The Pinyin of the character is Shi3.

Amazing Chinese Characters (498) Singing and Dancing - 吴

The shell bone script of character of Singing and Dancing is

The top is Mouth, the bottom is character 夭 (Post 424).

The bronze script of the character is

The left is a dancer, the top right is mouth, a person is singing and dancing.

The big seal script of the character is

Same as bronze script.
The small seal script of the character is

The mouth is in the middle, but the body is twist very much.

The clerical script of the character is

The top is character Mouth, the bottom is character Sky (Post 132).
The pinyin of the character is Wu.

Character 吴 is used as a family name, the original meaning "Singing and Dancing" is lost.

Amazing Chinese Characters (756)Rising Sun - 旭

 The big seal script of character Rising Sun is The left is character Nine (Post 443), the right is character Sun (Post 4). Character Nine m...