Sunday, October 22, 2023

Amazing Chinese Characters (633)Hat - 弁

 The bronze script of character Hat is

The middle is a hat, the sides are two hands holding the hat, or wearing the hat on head, or taking off the hat from the head. The hat means the hat in ancient time hat, not that today. The character has not used alone as hat for long time. The ancient time, not everyone had a hat, the person who had a hat was rich and high level in the society. In addition, the hat was very exquisite, and expensive, people took the hat carefully. 

The big seal script of character Hat is

The top is the hat, the bottom are two hands. 

The small seal script of character Hat is
The top is hat, the bottom are two hands.

The clerical script of character Hat

Not pictography anymore, but we can tell that the top is the hat, the bottom are two hands.

The Pinyin of the character is Bian4.

The character 弁 used most often right now is 马弁(horse - hat), not the hat wearing on horse head, but an orderly who severed for high ranked official, including taking care of his horse and hat. 

Amazing Chinese Characters (632) Hands -Together - 廾

 The big seal script of character Hands - Together is

Two grass seedling.

Let's compare it with big seal script of character Bamboo

Similar to the one above, but the sides are dropped down because bamboo leaves are drooping.

The small seal script of character Hands - Together is

Very similar to the man's hands in the picture.

There may be bent grass seedlings. 

Therefore, the character has two meanings: Grass, or Hands-Together.

The clerical script of character Hands - Together is

The two separated curves on the top become to a horizontal line, two vertical curves become one fall-left line and one vertical line, totally lost pictography for writing a little bit quicker.

The Pinyin of the character is Gong3.

Friday, October 20, 2023

Amazing Chinese Characters (631) Grass. - 卉

The big seal script of character Grass is

The three grass leaves.

The small seal script of character is 

Similar to big seal script.

The clerical script of character Grass is
The middle one becomes much shorter, the bottom two become connected as 廾, not like grass anymore. 

The Pinyin of the character is Hui4.

There is another character Grass - 草 (Post 49).

Big seal script of 草

The middle is character Morning (Post 266), the four corners are four grass. The character describes the picture the grass field in the sunrise time, the character 草 has a character Sun - 日 (Post 4), which is surrounded by grass, and in the same level of the grass. 

Normally, the character 草 is wild grass, the character 卉 is ornamental grass or plants, just like Ornamental flowers. This is why character 卉 has very neat and close three grass, 草 has scattered distributed grass.

Amazing Chinese Characters (630) Weapon - 戎

The shell bone script of character Weapon is

The left is very simple shield, with just two 十 infant of the chest. The right is character Dagger-axe. Defensive shield + offensive axe = Weapon.

The bronze script of character Weapon is 

The left is shield, the big dot is made of metal for protection. The right is character Dagger-axe. 

The small seal script of character Weapon is

The lower left is the shield, the rest is the axe.

The clerical script of character Weapon is 
The lower left 十 is the shield (simplified), the rest is axe.

The pinyin of the character is Rong2.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Amazing Chinese Characters (629) Guard Against - 戒

The shell bone script of character Guard Against is

The middle is character Dagger-axe (Post 80), the low sides are two hands holding the axe. The soldier is in battle readiness, very cautious for any suspicious movement around. 

The bronze script of character Guard Against is

The top right is character Dagger-axe, the bottom left are two hands. Why the axe on the right side, not in the middle? It is possible that one hand holds the weapon, not two.

The big seal script of character Guard Against is
Similar to bronze script, but the axe is in the middle.

The small seal script of character Guard Against is

Similar to big seal script.

The clerical script of character Guard Against is
The weapon 戈,and the 廾 means two hands. 

The Pinyin of the character is Jie4.

The character has other meanings: Give up, Stop. Quit, etc. 

Amazing Chinese Characters (628) To Defeat - 伐

The shell bone script of character To Defeat is

The left is character People (Post 37), the right is character Dagger-axe (Post 80). A soldier holds a dagger-axe to battle field.

The bronze script of character To Defeat is 
Similar to shell bone script, the left is Person, the right is dagger-axe.

The big seal script of character To Defeat is
Similar to big seal script.

The small seal script of character To Defeat is
The left is Radical People, the right is character Dagger-axe.

The Pinyin of the character is Fa2.

The character original means To Defeat, which is still its main meaning. But it has another meaning: Lumbering.


Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Amazing Chinese Characters (627) Wing - 翅

 The big seal script of character Wing is

The left is character Feather (Post 89), the right is character Support (Post 622). The skeleton supporting feather is wing. 

The small seal script of character Wing is 
Similar to big seal script.

The clerical script of character Wing is
It is interesting that the positions of the two parts exchanged: the left is character Support, the right is character Feather. The reason why they are exchange positions is because therefore, the left Support could have a long falling-right stroke, which could hold the teacher. In this way, the character has a typical clerical script long falling-right stroke, and still get a tight structure. Otherwise, the Support on right, if you want a typical clerical script long falling-right stroke, you would make the character too wide.

The pinyin of the character is Chi4.

Amazing Chinese Characters (626) Trick - 伎

 The big seal script of character Trick is

The left is character Person (Post 37), the right is character Support (Post 622). One person is good at tricks, such as magic.

The small seal script of character Trick is

The clerical script of character Trick is
The left is Radical Person, the right is character Support.

The character Support - 支, means that the Tricks are life support tricks, same as 技, which are support skills, not just for randoms tricks for fun. 

The Pinyin of the character is Ji4.

Monday, October 9, 2023

Amazing Chinese Characters (625) Skill - 技

 The big seal script of character Skill is

The left is character Hand (Post 55), the right is character Support (Post 622). A person who has a skill which can support his life, such as carpenter, cooker, blacksmith, etc. The character also means Technology in recent couple centuries. 

The small seal script of character Skill is

Similar to big seal script.

The clerical script of character Skill is
The left is Radical Hand, the right is character Support.

The Pinyin of the character is Ji4.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Amazing Chinese Characters (624) Shockingly - 赫

 The big seal script of character Shockingly is

There are two characters Crimson (Post 272), which means that two people are executed on burning state, which is shockingly.

The small seal script of character Shockingly is

The clerical script of character Shockingly is
Two clerical script of characters Crimson.

The pinyin of the character is He4.

The character 赫 has more meanings now: llustrious, conspicuous, distinguished, very famous, etc.

Amazing Chinese Characters (623) Amnesty - 赦

 The big seal script of character Amnesty is

The left is character Crimson - 赤 (Post 272), here is Burning State. The right one is character Support - 支 (Post 622), here is a hand holding a stick to put the person who is on fire punishment down due to amnesty.

The small seal script of character Amnesty is

Similar to big seal script. 

The clerical script of character Amnesty is

The left is character Crimson, the right one is Radical Reverse Article, here is same as character Support. 

The Pinyin of the character is She4.

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Amazing Chinese Characters (622) Support - 支

 The big seal script of character Support is

The top is half character Bamboo (Post 23), the bottom is a hand.

Let's see the big seal script of character Bamboo
A hand holding a bamboo means Support. In the ancient time, people used bamboo to build houses, and bridges.

The small seal script of character Support is
Similar to big seal script.

The clerical script of character Support is

The top bamboo falling down strokes becomes a horizontal line, the bottom becomes character Again (
Post 102), which original means Hand.

The pinyin of the character is Zhi1.

Amazing Chinese Characters (756)Rising Sun - 旭

 The big seal script of character Rising Sun is The left is character Nine (Post 443), the right is character Sun (Post 4). Character Nine m...