Saturday, April 27, 2024

Amazing Chinese Characters (690) Technique - 术(術)

The big seal script of character Technique is

The middle is character Fork (Post 179), plus two long dots which is a wood shelf for the long fork which was a weapon in ancient time. The outside 
is character Road or Street.

People who were good at the weapons including long fork showed their skills of operating them on the street, some audiences left some money in the hat or other container for them. People called them "The Street Artists". 

The big seal script of Fork 

Why are there two dots each side? They are legs or supports of the weapon shelf.

The original meaning of the character is Special Skill, not Technique. The character still has the meaning of special skills, also technique, and art now. 

The small script of character Technique is

Similar to big seal script, inside is fork and shelf, the two sides are streets. 

The clerical script of the character Technique is

The outside is Road or Street, the middle is fork and shelf. The curves of fork are pulled to straight lines.

The simplified song typeface of character Technique is

Just the middle fork and shelf, street is disappeared.

The pinyin of the character is Shu4.

术 is used much wider than before, could be art, medicine, technology, special skills, etc. 

Amazing Chinese Character (689) Twig - 杈

 The big seal script of character Twig is

The left is character Wood (Post 10), the right is character Fork (Post 179). It is clear to mean the fork on tree (wood) , which is Twig.

The small seal script of character Twig is
Similar to big seal script.

The clerical script of character Twig is

The left is Radical Wood, the right is character Fork.

The pinyin of the character is Cha1.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Amazing Chinese Characters (688) Smoked (meat) - 腊(臘)

 The bronze script of character Smoked (meat) is

The top is wave, the bottom is Mouth (the square) and Meat (月). The Mouth could be 日(Day) by mistake. Wave + Day = 昔 (Old Days). A piece of meat (e.g. pork) has been preserved for long time. In China, the most popular traditional preserved meat is smoked pork made from pork in the smoke for months.

The big seal script of character Smoked (meat) is

The left is Radical Meat, the right is character Rodent (Post 687). The character means that the smoked meat made from rodent animal. 

The small seal script of character Smoked (meat) is

Similar to big seal script.

However, there is another small seal script of character Smoked (meat)

The top is character Old Days, the bottom is character Meat. It is obvious from the bronze script.

The clerical script of character Smoked (meat) is
The left is Radical Meat, and right is character 巤(wild animal). It is clear that people abandoned the "Old Days + Meat" form, accepted the "Meat + Rodent Animal" for this character. The reason is unknown.

The song typeface of the character is

The right part changed back to character Old Days, which is OK because meat in old days could be preserved by smoking for long time.

The Pinyin of the character La4.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Amazing Chinese Characters (687) Hunt - 猎(獵)

 The bronze script of character Hunt is

The left is character Dog (Post 116), the right is character Rodent.

The bronze script of character Rodent is

very similar to character Mice or Rat.

Let's see the big seal script of character Mouse or Rat (Post 119)

The big seal script of character Mouse or Rat

Mouse or Rat is Rodent.

The dog is helper of hunter. The right top 巛 on the right is explained by all dictionaries including 漢典: animal long hair. I disagree. The 巛 is simplified 川, which means river or water flow. Here it means wet. There are two possibilities: 1, after killing the rodent animal, it is covered blood, kind of wet. 2, people preserved extra meat by smoking them. After smoked, the meat looks sloppy, same as people preserve meat with salt, and smoke them on the beam. The preserved meat looks black,  oil seeps out, kind of wet. The first case is more likely.

The small script of 巤 is
Similar to bronze script.

The big seal script of character Hunt is

Similar to the bronze script: the left is character Dog, the right is character Rodent.

The small seal script of character Hunet is

Similar to older scripts.

The clerical script of character Hunt is
The left is Radical Dog, and right is character Rodent.

The song typeface of character Hunt is

The right part changed to character Old Days (Post 326), which is confusion. Hunting is Old Days activity? Not really. 

The Pinyin of the character Lie4.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Amazing Chinese Characters (686) Person with special talent - 桀

The big seal script of character Person with special talent is

The top is character 舛, which looks like two feet on the branches of a tree, which means that a person who could walk on the tree, same as one of Chinese Qigong: the practicer could let hit body weight significantly lighter, and jump over a wall, or walk on the roof or tree.

The small seal script of character Person with special talent is 

Similar to its big seal script.

The clerical script of character Person with special talent is

The top character 舛 is separated from the character Wood (木), the two feet are not touch the branches, the pictography is lost. 

The Pinyin of the character is Jie1.

The character is used for people who is over proud of his special talent, like to show off, and look down people. 

Monday, April 15, 2024

Amazing Chinese Characters (685) Emperor Shun - 舜

The big seal script of character Emperor Shun is

The top is box with an open on the right, there are two Fires in the box, which is character Hot. The bottom is character Unusual in the previous post, here it means the dancing feet. The Emperor Shun was an Emperor lived in about 4300 years ago. It is said that the Emperor Shun is a Sun God who bring the light to people against dark. It is also said that bad guys misguided him to a house, and closed all doors, and put the house on fire, Emperor Shun used a bamboo hat to cover his head and escaped from the fire. 

The character has fire in a box on top, and dancing feet in the bottom. We can imagine that Emperor Shun take the fire for us, which changed our life forever. 

The small seal script of character Emperor Shun is

Similar to big seal script.

The clerical script of character Emperor Shun is

The top totally changed to nothing to with fire and box, but a top of character 愛 (love),受 (give),which means "hand on something". The reason why it changes is unknown.

The Pinyin of the character is Shun4.

The character 舜 is specifically for Emperor Shun, no any other meaning.

Amazing Chinese Characters (684) Unusual - 舛

 The big seal script of character Unusual is

Two feet in opposite and twisted footsteps, which is unusual. Normally it happens in dancing or quick movements.

The small seal script of character Unusual is

Two feet in opposite directions, not as bad as the situation of big seal script, but still a strange position.

The clerical script of character Unusual is
The left becomes character Evening, but it is a mistake, it should be foot. The right one is a foot. 

The character is not used alone, but it is part of compound characters, or part of a proverb sentence. 

The pinyin of the character is Chuan3.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Amazing Chinese Characters (683) Whirl - 抡

The big seal script of character Whirl is

The left is character Hand, the right is character Lecture, here means round or circle. Hand moving big circles quickly is Whirl.

The small seal script of character Whirl is

Similar to big seal script.

The clerical script of character Whirl is
The left is Radical Hand, the right is character Lecture.

The simplified song typeface is 

The left character Hand becomes Radical Hand, the right character Lecture is simplified, the character lost all pictography.

The Pinyin of the character is Lun2.


Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Amazing Chinese Characters (682) Wheel - 轮(輪)

Bronze script of character Wheel is

, or

Just like ancient wheels. 

The big seal script of character Wheel is
The left is character Vehicle, the right is character Lecture. Lecture is to say the principles on bamboo books. Physically, bamboo book is like a cylinder, when you read, you roll the cylinder, which is similar to the wheel rolling on ground.

The small seal script of character Wheel is

Similar to big seal script.

The clerical script of character Wheel is
Similar to older scripts.

The simplified song typeface of character Wheel is

Both character Vehicle and character Lecture simplified, the character lost all pictography.

Pinyin of the character is Lun2.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Amazing Chinese Characters (681) Argument - 论(論)

The big seal script of character Argument is

The left is character Say, the right is character Lecture which is a theory, or a statement or claim. Using the tongue to argue the points in the theory or statement.

The small seal script of character Argument is

Similar to big seal script. 

The clerical script of character Argument is

The left is Radical Say, and the right is character Lecture, here is a theory or statement or claim.

The simplified song typeface is

Both Radical Say, and character Lecture are simplified, all pictography and ideogram are lost. 

The Pinyin of the character is Lun4.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Amazing Chinese Characters (680) Lecture - 仑(侖)

The shell bone script of character Lecture is

The top is human upper lip, the bottom is character Book or Volume (册). Talking about the principle and content in the book, which is a lecture. 

The bronze script of character Lecture is 

The top is lip, the bottom is character Book or Volume, the two long vertical lines and three short lines may mean that the bamboo slips are not in same length, or the casting technique was not good to keep all lines in same length. 

The big seal script of character Lecture is

Similar to bronze script with all vertical lines in same length.

The small seal script of character Lecture is

Similar to big seal script.

The clerical script of character Lecture is
Similar to big and small seal scripts, but the bottom is only one horizontal line, not same as the rope connecting bamboo slips, lost the pictography.

The simplified song typeface of character Lecture is

The top missing a short horizontal line which is the lip. The bottom became in explicable. The character totally lost the pictography.

The Pinyin of the character is Lun2.



Amazing Chinese Characters (756)Rising Sun - 旭

 The big seal script of character Rising Sun is The left is character Nine (Post 443), the right is character Sun (Post 4). Character Nine m...