Sunday, July 28, 2024

Amazing Chinese Characters (716)Shirt - 衫

 The big seal script of character Shirt is

The left is character Cloth - 衣 (Post 140), the right is character Twill - 彡(Post 714), here it means the wrinkles in shirt, that is cloth with a lot of wrinkles.

The small seal script of character Shirt is

Similar to big seal script in structure, but the lines are curved more.

The clerical script of character Shirt is

The left is Radical Cloth, and the right is character 彡.

The Pinyin of the character is Shan1.

Amazing Chinese Characters (715)Peng - 彭

 The shell bone script of character Peng is 

The left is character Drum - 壴 (Post 551), the right is character Twill - 彡 (Post 714), here it means the hands playing the drum.

The character is pronounced as the sound of the hands striking the drum. 

The bronze script of character Peng is

Similar to shell bone script.

The big seal script of character Peng is

Similar to big seal script.

The small seal script of character Peng is

Similar to older scripts.

The clerical script of character Peng is

 Similar to old scripts, except the drum face changed from O to 口.

The Pinyin of the character is Peng2. 

The character has been used as a popular family name. To avoid confusion, a new character 嘭, 口(mouth) + 彭 (Peng) to express the sound of hands striking the drum.

Amazing Chinese Characters (714)Twill - 彡

 The shell bone script of character Twill is

Three slash lines. Which could be the oblique light, shadow, pattern, etc.

The big seal script of character Twill is
Similar to shell bone script.

The small seal script of character Twill is

Similar to older script except the convex shape curves.

The clerical script of character Twill is

The curves changed to concave shape.

The pinyin of character Twill is Shan1.

The character is not used a lone, but still exist in many compound characters.


Friday, July 12, 2024

Learn Chinese with Pictography (eBooks, and book) are available on Amazon

All are from the posts of this blog, total has about 500 explanations of Chinese characters. The posts published on Amazon are withdrawn from this blog, not available in this blog. 

If you are interested, you may click to read those ebooks. For KDP Unlimited members, you are free to read. For people who are not KDP Unlimited, you can buy the eBooks or book with very low prices.

You can click the links below to get the book pages on Amazon.

 Learn Chinese with Pictography (1)     eBook, and paperback

Learn Chinese with Pictography (2)     eBook

Learn Chinese with Pictography (3)     eBook

Learn Chinese with Pictography (4)     eBook

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Amazing Chinese Characters (713) Night - 夜

 The bronze script of character Night is

The middle is character Also, Too, As Well with the right dot replaced by character Evening (Post 52). As we see in the Post 710, the two dots are shadows of the arms, right now one dot is changed to character Evening, which means the moon in the evening. The character means the shadow of the body under the moon, which is only happening at night (there is moon in the evening, but the shadow is too light to be noticed.

The big seal script of character Night is
Similar to bronze script.

The small seal script of character Night is

Similar to older scripts.

The clerical script of character Night is

The " 大“ change to two parts: 亠 + 亻. It is odd. The purpose is to give space for the other part "夕 + dot“ inside, which is a modified character Evening. The change is the bottom dot becomes a long falling right stroke, which is the typical clerical script, also it makes the character looks balanced. 

The Pinyin of the character is Ye4.

Amazing Chinese Characters (712) Elegant - 奕

 The big seal script of character Elegant is

The top is character Also, Too, As Well (Post 710), the bottom is character Big (Post 76), here it means a man who is perform stage show. 

A person dances with fire.

亦 is shadow, 大 is a person who has a big shadow under the sun or in the fire. The character means that someone is very famous, like a dancer near the fire, everyone is watching him. The character also means that a person is very attactive under the light. 

The small seal script of character Elegant is

Similar to big seal script.

The clerical script of character Elegant is

The top is character Also, Too, and As Well, the bottom is character Big.

The Pinyin of the character is Yi4.

Amazing Chinese Characters (711) Go - 弈

 The big seal script of character Go is

The top is character Also, Too, As Well (Post 710), the bottom are two hands. Go is Chinese chess. It could be noun, the stones and the board. It could also be verb: to Go or to play (Go),  placing black and white stones placed on 9 x 9 = 81 intersections board one by one, to see who enclosed area bigger in the last.

Here the stone moves with the hand moves (the hand moves, the stone moves also, as well, too). Opponent moves stone (different color) in the same way. Two players take turns.

The small seal script of character Go is
Similar to big seal script.

The clerical script of character Go is
The top is character Also, Too, As Well, the bottom is character Hand-Together (Post 632), means two hands, here are two hands from different two people. 

The Pinyin of the character is Yi4.

Now, 弈 is used just on Go play, but on many other games especially on mental games.  

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Amazing Chinese Characters (710) Also, Too, As Well - 亦

The shell bone script of character Also, Too, As Well is

The big structure 

is a man opening his arms.

The two dots under his arms are indicative points, which mean the shadows of the arms. When arms move, the shadows follow also, too, as well.

The bronze script of character Also, Too, As Well is

Similar to shell bone script.

The small seal script of character Also, Too, As Well is

Similar to older scripts.

The clerical script of character Also, Too, As Well is

The body trunk disappeared, two legs connect to the head directly, less pictography.

The pinyin of the character is Yi4.

Amazing Chinese Characters (735) Distinguish - 辨

The bronze script of character Distinguish is The left and right are similar to character Pungent (Post 733), the top has no dot, meaning to...