Monday, August 26, 2024

Amazing Chinese Characters (724) Shout - 叫

The big seal script of character Shout is

The left is character Month (Post 16), the right is the character Entangle, here it means the closed relationship. The birds rely on chirping to communicate. Even human, we sometime use call or shout to communicate. 

The small seal script of character Shout is
The right part are more entangled, more curve.

The clerical script of character Shout is
Month on the left, and simplified entangle part (lost the pictography).

The Pinyin of the character is Jiao4.

Amazing Chinese Characters (723) Receive - 收

The big seal script of character Receive is

The left is character Entangle (Post 721), the right top is a fork, the bottom is a hand holding the fork to hit the tied bundles of rice or wheat sheaves, which is the way ancient Chinese used to threshing in harvest season. People receive the grains after long time hard work.

The small seal script of character Receive is

The left has more entangled curves, the right is similar to that in big seal script.

The clerical script of character Receive is

The left is simplified entangled, even though it is not like entangled anymore. The right is Reversed Wen Radical, which means that a person holds a stick to hit something or someone.

The pinyin of the character is Shou1.

Amazing Chinese Characters (722) Valiant - 赳

 The big seal script of character Valiant is


The left is character Walk (Post 96), the right is character Entangle (Post 721), means entangled here. The character means that a soldier tightly wrapped his leggings and fastened his belt, appearing very spirited and brave.


The small seal script of character Valiant is


The left is character Walk, the right is character Entangle, meaning entangled, and connect.

The clerical script of character Valiant is

The left is character Walk, the right is the original character Connect.

The pinyin of the character is Jiu1.


Thursday, August 15, 2024

Amazing Chinese Characters (721) Entangle - 纠

 The big seal script of character Entangle is

The left is silk, the right is something entangled, such as silk thread.


Correct here is verb, means you make correction; not adjective. When a small tree grows not straight up, you could use silk or rope tie it which a straight pole to force the tree grow straight. The character also means the connection, but is very deep connection in which two sides are undivided easily.

The small seal script of character Entangle is

 Similar to big seal script in structure, but different in strokes, wider curves.

The clerical script of character Entangle is

 The left is Radical Silk, the right is simplified the entangled silk or rope. Too simplified to see the similarity.


The simplified song typeface of character Entangle is

The three dots in the bottom become a "kick".

The Pinyin of the character is Jiu1.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Amazing Chinese Characters (720) Troops - 旅

 The shell bone of character Troops is

The left is a flagpole, on the top of the flagpole is the flag. Under the flag, two people are standing in line. They are soldiers following the flag, which means troops.

The bronze script of character Troops is
Similar to shell bone script, but the lines are not smooth because poor metallurgical process in ancient time.

The big seal script of character Troops is
Similar to older scripts, but much better than bronze script because the metallurgical process was improved after hundreds of year since bronze script.

The small seal script of character Troops is
The left flagpole is disconnected from the flag on the top. The left flagpole becomes character Square - 方, and the flag becomes character People - 人. The reason why they changed like that is unknown, definitely not related to pictography of the character. Under the 人 (flag) are two character People.

The clerical script of character Troops is
The left is radical Square - 方, the top right is modified 人, the bottom right should be two people, but completely has any similarity to two character People.

The pinyin of the character Troops is LV3 

Amazing Chinese Characters (719)Spin - 旋

The shell bone script of character Spin is

The left and top combination is the flagpole and flag. The bottom is a foot, the 口 is believed to be the cross section of leg. People see the flag and legs and feet walking, which means that troops come back from battlefield. 

The bronze script of character Spin is

The flagpole and flag are similar to shell bone script, the bottom is character Foot, the 口 is missing.

The small seal script of character Spin is

Again the left flagpole becomes character Square, the right top 人 is the flag. The right bottom is the moving leg and foot. 

Let's see the small seal script of character Foot

In comparison with the foot in character Spin above, we see the difference is on the top circle: it is a closed ring in character Spin, an open ring in character Foot. The closed ring means no change anymore, open ring means changing, and moving.

The clerical script of character Spin is
The left is Radical Square, and the right is flag on the top, and moving leg and foot, character 疋.

What is the difference between character 疋 and 足? 足 is foot, stationary foot, 疋 is a moving foot, including spinning foot. 

The Pinyin of the character Spin - 旋 is Xuan2.

Amazing Chinese Characters (718) Race - 族

The shell bone script of character Race is

The top is a flag, not same as the modern flag.  

The bottom is an arrow. 

In the ancient time, the battle between tribes is often. One tribe is like a troop following the flag, and shoot the arrows to same enemy. 

The bronze script of character Race is 
Similar to shell bone script.

The big seal script of character Race is
Similar to old scripts.

The small seal script of character Race is

The flagpole and the flag separated.

The clerical script of character Race is

The radical Square, and right top a little deformed 人, the bottom right is character Arrow - 矢.

The Pinyin of the character is Zu2.


Amazing Chinese Characters (717) Flag - 旗

The big seal script of character Flag is

The left is a flagpole, on the top of the flagpole is the flag. Under the flag, it is character 其, which means the bamboo container. I guess, in ancient time, the headquarter has a big flagpole with big flag, and a big bamboo container for holding weapons such as arrows. 

The small seal script of character Flag is

The left flagpole is disconnected from the flag on the top. The left flagpole becomes character Square - 方, and the flag becomes character People - 人 but not mean People. The reason why they changed like that is unknown, definitely not related to pictography of the character. Under the 人 (flag) are character 其, bamboo container.

The clerical script of character Troops is
The left is radical Square - 方, the top right is modified 人, the bottom right is character 其.

The pinyin of the character Troops is Qi2. 

Amazing Chinese Characters (756)Rising Sun - 旭

 The big seal script of character Rising Sun is The left is character Nine (Post 443), the right is character Sun (Post 4). Character Nine m...