Thursday, November 21, 2024

Amazing Chinese Characters (746)Hold - 秉

The shell bone script of character Hold is

The left is character Rice Crop (Post 34), the right is a hand holding the crop. The character means Hold, or Grasp, or Control, or Maintain, etc.

The bronze script of character Hold is

The middle from top to bottom is the rice crop, a right hand holds the crop.

The big seal script of character Hold is
Similar to bronze script.

The small script of character Hold is
Similar to big seal script.

The clerical script of character Hold is

The top two strokes become straight, the bottom inward curve becomes stretched out because people who had paper wanted to stretch the horizontal strokes to release the uncomfortable restrictions on bamboo strips for thousands of years.

The Pinyin of the character is Bing3.

Monday, November 18, 2024

Amazing Chinese Characters (745)Qiang - 羌

The sell bone script of character Qiang is

The top is the horns of goat, the bottom is a person. The character means shepherd. Qiang was a big ethnic lived in Western China in Shang Dynasty, they are shepherds.

The bronze script of character Qiang is
The top is the goat, actually it is the top of character Goat (Post 6)

Let's see the bronze script of character Goat
The bottom is character People (Post 37)

Let's see the bronze script of character People
However, there is a dot on the character People in character Qiang. What does it mean? It is an indicative point which emphasizes the main meaning of the character is the People where the dot is located. That is the character indicating the person who is shepherd, not the goat. If the dot is on the top, it means the goat raised by people, not wide goat. 

The big seal script of character Qiang is 
The top is the top of character Goat, the bottom is character People.

The clerical script of character Qiang is
The top is the top of character Goat, the bottom is character People. 

The Pinyin of character Qiang is Qiang1.

Ethnic Qiang was defeated by Shang, many Qiang were killed by Shang in sacrificing. There is a Qiang ethnic in Sichuan, South East China, with population about 300,000. People believe that they are the dependents of Qiang in West China, they escaped to Sichuan and survived. 

The character is very old, but right now, it is only used for the ethnic people, ether lived in Western China tin Shang Dynasty, or live in Sichuan right now.

Friday, November 8, 2024

Amazing Chinese Characters (744) Wedge - 楔

The big seal script of character Wedge is

The left is character Wood (Post 10), the right is character Deed (Post 742). Deed is something binding two parts together, same as mortise and tenon structure which binding two or more parts together.

However, people used the character to present Wedge as well.

which is not original meaning, just the shape is similar, but the purpose is to split the fire wood, not to make close connection of two parts.

The small seal script of character Wedge is
Similar to big seal script.

Clerical script of character Wedge is
Similar to older scripts.

The Pinyin of the character is Xie4.  

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Amazing Chinese Characters (743) Clean - 洁(潔)

 The big seal script of character Clean is

The left is character Water (Post 13), the right top means a deed carved on wood, the bottom is character Silk (Post 36). In ancient time, silk was very rare, very expensive, only King or high rank officers could afford to use. Here the silk is used to tie the deed wood because the deed is very important. The water on the left means the deed wood is washed by water often to keep it clean. 

The small seal script of character Clean is
Similar to big seal script.

The clerical script of character Clean is

The left is Radical Three Water Drops, the right is similar to the older script right parts.

The simplified song typeface of the character Clean is

The right change to character 洁 - Lucky, not only the meaning is different, but the pronunciation is different: Ji2. A very bad simplification.

The Pinyin of the character Clean is Jie2.

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Amazing Chinese Characters (742)Deed - 契

The big seal script of character Deed is

The top
is character 㓞 (Pinyin Qi4), which means "engrave text on wood". The character is not used long time ago, most dictionaries don't collect it but still exist in many compound characters.

The bottom is character Big (Post 76), meaning a big man who is trustable, and responsible person.

People negotiate each other, make agreement, then engrave the agreement on the wood as a document both will follow. It is similar to deed in modern times.

The small seals script of character Deed is
Similar to big seal script.

The clerical script of character Deed is
Similar to old scripts.

Pinyin of the character is Qi4.

Amazing Chinese Characters (756)Rising Sun - 旭

 The big seal script of character Rising Sun is The left is character Nine (Post 443), the right is character Sun (Post 4). Character Nine m...