Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Amazing Chinese Characters (596) Solicitous - 殷

 The bronze script of character of Solicitous is

The left is character Body (Post 97), a person facing right, raise arms. The right bottom is a hand holding a bent stick with a round head to scratch itchy for the person, the over care indicates some purpose behind.

The big seal script of character of Solicitous is

The left is character Body, the right is character Spear (Post 590), here is hand holding a stick with round head, not spear.

The small seal script of character Solicitous is

The left is character Body, The right is character Spear.

The clerical script of character Solicitous is

The left is changed to a strange form, not character Body. Let us see the clerical script of character Body 

I don't why it is changed to a form unlike character Body.

The Pinyin of character 殷 is Yin1.

Character 殷 means that someone over care, or over concern someone's health to show his kind for potential benefit in the future from the one he cared. Normally this person has power, money, or reputation.

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