Monday, December 11, 2023

Amazing Chinese Characters (644) Odd Jade - 夬

 The shell bone script of character Odd Jade is (from 汉典)

Looks like a hand holding a small thing - the small circle. The character means a jade with a mouth.

There is another shell bone script from "Dictionary of Pictography" (象形字典)

The top X  is a hand, the bottom X is another hand. The U in between is a jade bracelet with a mouth. The character means that one person gives a jade bracelet to another person as a parting gift. I guess that ancient people back to 3500+ years ago were unable to do a jade bracelet without mouth or disconnected point, U shape jade bracelet was very expensive gift.

The bronze script and the big seal script is (from "Dictionary of Pictograph“)

The top is a hand, the bottom is another, the U disappeared. They may mean handshaking when people parting because normal people didn't have jade bracelet. 

The small seal sccript of character Odd Jade is

The top normally means a hand or foot, but here may be a Jade with a mouth. The bottom is a hand holding the Jade. 

The character was not used long time ago, may be 3000+ years ago. However, it is a part of many compound characters, it is necessary to discuss the character before we discuss other characters including it, even though I couldn't make it meaning clear without doubt. 

The Pinyin of the character is Guai4, which is same as character Strange - 怪. Some people believe that it is an evidence that the character Odd Jade meant the same as Strange. Odd Jade is strange, I support the idea.


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