Saturday, June 8, 2024

Amazing Chinese Characters (704)Chair - 椅

 The big seal script of character Chair is

The left is character Wood (Post 10), the right part is character Strange (Post 242). 奇 means the business men from western area (Middle East) through the Silk Road connected China and Middle East in 3000 years ago. They brought chairs and the technology of how to make chairs. Ancient Chinese didn't sit on chairs, but sit or kneel down on bed or floor just like Japanese and Korean do today. Chinese started to make chair and sit on chairs about at least 2000 years ago. 

The Chair used about 2000 years ago.

The small seal script of character Chair is
Similar to big seal script.

The clerical script of character Chair is
The left is Radical Wood, the right is character Strange.

The Pinyin of the character Chair is Yi1.

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Amazing Chinese Characters (713) Night - 夜

 The bronze script of character Night is The middle is character Also, Too, As Well with the right dot replaced by character Evening (Post 5...