Saturday, June 8, 2024

Amazing Chinese Characters (705) Send - 寄

The big seal script of character Send is

The top curve is a house roof, the bottom inside is character Strange (Post 242), here it means a feigner from Middle East lodges in a family or inn. The original meaning of the character is Lodge, which still has the meaning, but not the major one. The major meaning of the character is to Send, or Mail. Probably send a mail or letter needs ride a horse in ancient time, and lodge inn on the way, which is similar to business men ride horse or camel, lodge in inn while doing trade between China and Middle East. 

The small seal script of character Send is 

Similar to big seal script.

The clerical script of character Send is
The top roof is very small, not cover the character Strange. It is not very pictographic, which is the characteristics of clerical script.

The Pinyin of character Send - 寄 is Ji4.


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