Saturday, September 28, 2024

Amazing Chinese Characters (735) Distinguish - 辨

The bronze script of character Distinguish is

The left and right are similar to character Pungent (Post 733), the top has no dot, meaning tongue, not pungent. The middle is character Person (Post 37). The person listens to two people debating with tongue moving to say. The middle person try to distinguish who is right or whose argument is better.

The big seal script of character Distinguish is

Similar to bronze script, but the left and right are character Pungent now, the top have a short horizontal line.

The small seal script of character Distinguish is

Similar to big seal script, except the middle one looks like character Knife (Post 61). Character People and character Knife are similar, sometimes difficult to tell.

The clerical script of charactre Distinguish is

The two sides are characters Pungent, the middle character People changed to dot + a left falling stroke, which has no connection to character People. Why? I don't know.

The Pinyin of the character is Bian4.

Amazing Chinese Characters (734) Debate - 辩(辯)

The big seal script of character Debate is

The left is character Pungent (Post 733), the middle is character Say (Post 158), the right is another Pungent. The character means that two people (using their tongues) debate (say).

The small seal script of character Debate is

Similar to big seal script.

The clerical script of character Debate is

The middle character Say are all straight lines, two character Pungent are similar to small seal script with minor change.

The Pinyin of the character is Bian4.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Amazing Chinese Characters (733)Pungent - 辛

The shell bone script of character Pungent is

which is tongue of human, the top short line is pungent food people want to taste, which is strong, causing suffering on tongue which is stuck out of month. The character means spicy in most of time, but bitter sometimes. 

The bronze script of character Pungent is

The food on tongue disappeared. 

The small seal script of character Pungent is
The food on tongue is back, the tongue is more complex than that of shell bone script.

The clerical script of character Pungent is

Similar to small seal script, but the big curve becomes straight line, the short line on the top, and the small curve become dots.

The Pinyin of the character is Xin1.


Friday, September 13, 2024

Amazing Chinese Characters (732) Elder Sister - 姐

The big seal script of character Elder Sister is

The left is character Woman (Post 20), the right is character Moreover (Post 729). The elder sister is the girl who is first old enough get married with man, she could have sex life. 

The small seal script of character Elder Sister is

The left is character Woman, the two arms across in front of the chest. The right is character Moreover.

The clerical script of character Elder Sister is

The left is Radical Woman, the right is character Moreover.

The Pinyin of the character is Jie3.

Amazing Chinese Characters (731) Thick - 粗

The big seal script of character Thick is

The left is character Rice (Post 163), the right is character Moreover (Post 729). The character means that the man who has enough foods could growth higher and bigger including the genital. 

The small seal script of character Thick is

Similar to big seal script, except the left character Rice, in big seal script, there are three grains on the top, and three grains on the bottom, in the small seal script, the middle grains on top connected with the one on the bottom, becomes a vertical line, not two grains.

The clerical script of character Thick is

The left is Radical Rice, the right is character Moreover.

The Pinyin of the character is Cu1.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Amazing Chinese Characters (730) Ancestor - 祖

The bronze script of character Ancestor is

The left is character Display (Post 329), the right is character Moreover. The ancient Chinese worship male genital, which indicates ancestor.

The big seal script of character Ancestor is

Similar to shell bone script except the left part has a dot on the top.

The small seal script of character Ancestor is

Similar to big seal script.

The clerical script of character 

Left is the Radical Display, the right is character Moreover.

The Pinyin of the character is Zu3.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Amazing Chinese Characters (729)Moreover - 且

The shell bone script of character Moreover is

A male genital, ancient Chinese had reproduction-worship, male genital was the organ of worship. How it means "Moreover" is unknown.

The bronze script of character Moreover is

The top is sharp, not rounded, unlike the real genital.

The big seal script of character Moreover is
Similar to bronze script with significant less sharp.

The clerical script of character Moreover is

More like shell bone script.

The clerical script of character Moreover is

All strokes are straight lines with sharp turning points.

The Pinyin of the character is Qie3.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Amazing Chinese Characters (728) Pass or Go-Through - 通

The big seal script of character Pass or Go-Through is

The left and bottom (big seal)
means Walking: the left is road, the bottom is foot (Post 93). 

The right part of the character Pass is character Road-Gate (Post 725), the character means Pass through the gate. 

The big seal script of character Pass or Go-Through is

There is a Walking part, the right is character Road-Gate, however, the top of the Road-Gate character Sun, which I guess is that people pass the gate in the morning when the sun rises, just like we go to work in the morning. 

The small seal script of character Pass or Go-Through is

Move the character Foot to the bottom of left, change the road to three parallel curves. 

The clerical script of character Pass or Go-Through is

The left and bottom is Radical Walking Bottom, the right is character Road-Gate.

The Pinyin of the character is Tong1.

Amazing Chinese Characters (727) Brave - 勇

The big seal script of character Brave is

The top is character Road-Gate (Post 725), the rest is character Power or Strength (Post 168). It means that the gate guard who is strong and powerful. The meaning of Brave is derived meaning.

The small seal script of character Brave is

The character Road-Gate is on left, and character Power or Strength is no right, it is easier to right left-right than top-bottom because small seal script is long on vertical.

The clerical script of character Brave is
The top is character Road-Gate, the bottom is character Power or Strength because the clerical script is short on vertical. 

The Pinyin of character Brave is Yong3.

Amazing Chinese Characters (726) Gushing - 涌

The big seal script of character Gushing is

The left is character Water (Post 13), the right is character Road-Gate (Post 725). A water flow gushes up from the underground, which is similar a group of people pass through the road-gate. 

The small seal script of character Gushing is 

Similar to big seal script.

The clerical script of character Gushing is
The left is Radical Water, the right is character Road-Gate.

The Pinyin of the character is Yong3.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Amazing Chinese Characters (725) Road-Gate - 甬

The bronze script of character Road-Gate is

A fence with gate used to protect the people from enemy. The gate has a handle on the top to help open the gate because it is heavy.

The big seal script of character Road-Gate is

Similar to bronze script.

The small seal script of character Road-Gate is

Similar to older scripts.

The clerical script of character Road-Gate is
Some similarity to older script, but the top is sealed, not open, which changed the original meaning of fence with gate, no gate anymore.

The Pinyin of the character is Yong3.

Amazing Chinese Characters (756)Rising Sun - 旭

 The big seal script of character Rising Sun is The left is character Nine (Post 443), the right is character Sun (Post 4). Character Nine m...