Saturday, September 7, 2024

Amazing Chinese Characters (728) Pass or Go-Through - 通

The big seal script of character Pass or Go-Through is

The left and bottom (big seal)
means Walking: the left is road, the bottom is foot (Post 93). 

The right part of the character Pass is character Road-Gate (Post 725), the character means Pass through the gate. 

The big seal script of character Pass or Go-Through is

There is a Walking part, the right is character Road-Gate, however, the top of the Road-Gate character Sun, which I guess is that people pass the gate in the morning when the sun rises, just like we go to work in the morning. 

The small seal script of character Pass or Go-Through is

Move the character Foot to the bottom of left, change the road to three parallel curves. 

The clerical script of character Pass or Go-Through is

The left and bottom is Radical Walking Bottom, the right is character Road-Gate.

The Pinyin of the character is Tong1.

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