Saturday, September 28, 2024

Amazing Chinese Characters (734) Debate - 辩(辯)

The big seal script of character Debate is

The left is character Pungent (Post 733), the middle is character Say (Post 158), the right is another Pungent. The character means that two people (using their tongues) debate (say).

The small seal script of character Debate is

Similar to big seal script.

The clerical script of character Debate is

The middle character Say are all straight lines, two character Pungent are similar to small seal script with minor change.

The Pinyin of the character is Bian4.

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Amazing Chinese Characters (735) Distinguish - 辨

The bronze script of character Distinguish is The left and right are similar to character Pungent (Post 733), the top has no dot, meaning to...